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You Want to Become a Bestseller for Business or Commercial Reasons

The Quick Way to Becoming a Bestseller (Gaming the System)

There are a class of people who just want to write a book and quickly achieve 'Bestseller' status and leverage it for their business. The exceedingly simple way to do that is

Step 1: Get a software like KDPSpy or KDPRocket, or search the store yourself, and figure out a category that you can become a bestseller in, from just a few sales (5 to 25 sales). Do make sure it is a category related to your Business or Area of Expertise

Step 2: Discount your book to $0.99 cents. You can also try free for 2 days and then $0.99 for 3 to 7 days

Step 3: Get promotion packages from a few solid promotion sites and/or use Facebook Ads and Amazon Marketing Services Ads. Make sure to run these promotions while your book is discounted to $0.99. Get the required 5 to 25 sales and become a 'Bestseller' in this small category

This is 'gaming' the system. You're not really a bestseller. It's fine if you want to do this - just make sure not to start thinking this makes you an expert in the area or an actual bestseller

Why Gaming the System to Become a Bestseller is Not Recommended

There are a few specific reasons why gaming the system and becoming a 'quick and easy' bestseller is not recommended

1) If this 'bestseller' badge helps your business get customers and/or helps you to sell products - You will still have to deliver the goods
Gaming the System to become a Bestseller does absolutely nothing for your actual product quality and your business skills

2) Smart customers will know when you have gamed the system
You were the Bestseller in 'Advanced System Robotics' and you are selling Artificial Intelligence consulting? It takes a few minutes to go and check and see that Advanced System Robotics is a tiny tiny category and anyone can get a Bestseller Rank in that category

3) It's a Tragedy of the Commons situation. The more people 'game the system' the more the value of being a Bestseller loses meaning

4) You lose the opportunity to become an actual subject expert and become an actual bestseller

You game the system and become a Bestseller. It might help drive a few more sales. Those people will very soon realize you're not an expert. They won't become repeat customers

On the other hand, if you forsake this method of gaming the system, and instead become an actual subject expert, and write a great book, you've unlocked something much better

Your skills and your services and products will improve greatly

Your customers will be happier and they will become repeat customers and you will gain more customers via word of mouth

Your book will establish you as an expert and will become a customer acquisition engine in itself. An actual good book will drive a lot more sales and branding than a 'bestseller' label gained by gaming the system

5) If you do something for work, and spend most of your week on it, it's well worth it to become really good at it. Writing an actual very good book will force you to understand things at a very deep level. You will enjoy your work more. You will become better at it

This REAL improvement in skills and services will benefit you a lot more than a 'bestseller' tag, and will help you become a True Bestseller

The Hard Way to Becoming a Bestseller

There are four basic steps

Step 1: Become really, really good at your work

Step 2: Write a very very good book. This will force you to think very deeply about your work and make you even better at your work

Step 3: Polish your book and figure out the best market for it. The struggle to find the best category for your book will help you understand how critical it is to target the right customers

As an added bonus it will help you appreciate your current career a lot more. Nothing makes you appreciate your day job like the slings and arrows of being an author

Step 4: Market and Sell your book and become an Actual Bestseller in the Best Genre for Your Book

This is going to take a lot longer than a few days. It might take a year to three years. The experience will help you appreciate your career a lot more. The skills in marketing and sales and analysis you learn will also greatly help your current career

Finally, it's important to not discount the importance of taking pride in your skills and the satisfaction of becoming a True Bestseller and a True Expert in your line of work. At the end of the day the only person you have to prove yourself to, is you

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