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You're a My Way or the Highway kind of person and want to Succeed doing everything Exactly in Your Way and Prove Your Way Works

What if you think You Already Know Everything and Your Way is the Best Way?

Producing a great book requires the following skills (usually from different people)
1) Telling a great story
2) Writing very well
3) Good solid editing
4) Proof Reading
5) Type Setting and Formatting
6) Cover Design
7) Book Design if producing a physical book
8) A few other skills

Authors who are 'My Way or the Highway' type of people go through each step thinking they know better than the experts and they end up interfereing in the creation of a great book

If you truly think you know what a good cover is better than a cover designer who has been making covers for 10 years, then you are mistaken. What is worse, you will prevent that cover designer from doing his best work

The exact same applies at each step. By thinking you know better than the experts you produce a book that is not as good as what the experts would have made

Marketing and Selling a book well requires the following skills (also usually from different people)
1) Figuring out who is going to buy the book i.e. what is the right genre for the book
2) Identifying the best marketing venues
3) Planning out a marketing strategy and a marketing schedule
4) Arranging the different promotions
5) Doing the actual marketing
6) Taking feedback and refining your strategy

Authors who are 'My Way or the Highway' people experience an incredible amount of pain when marketing. They have produced a book according to their idea of what the book should be. As they have interfered at every step of the process, it is considerably less 'polished' than it would be

When marketing, they again assume they are the experts at everything, and interfere at every step
The combination of a book produced by an author who thinks he is an expert at everything, with a marketing plan created by the same author who thinks he is also a marketing expert, usually leads to disaster

The Solution - Hire the Best People and Let Them Do Their Job

Your only hope if you're a 'My Way or the Highway' kind of author is to let go of the false belief that you know what is best at every step of the process

Hire the Best People. Note: The Best people in every area will refuse to work with you if you try to impose yourself on them and try to browbeat them into doing things 'your way'

Trust in the Best People you have hired and let them do things according to their decades of skills and experience

Most 'My Way or the Highway' authors either
Do not ever realize that the cause of all their pain is their misbelief that they are better than the experts
Realize this only after wasting a lot of money and time

If you are a 'My Way or the Highway' kind of author, it's better to change now, than to spend years and years frustrated and blaming other people and other things. When the cause of all your pain is you thinking you can fly a plane better than a pilot and do heart surgery better than a surgeon

Reach 5 Million+ Readers. Books Butterfly (our sister company) can get your book in front of millions of readers

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