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You Have Valuable Lessons or Wisdom that You Want to Share with the World

If you want to share your Wisdom and Experiences with the World

Sharing your Wisdom and Experiences is a lot tricker than you might think. 4 Basic Questions you should know the answer to (Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Kairos, from Aristotle's Rhetoric)

1) Ethos - Who are you? What credibility do you have? Why should anyone listen to you?

2) Pathos - What is the emotional state of the people you are targeting? Are they open to receive your wisdom? Are they in a state of mind to appreciate it?

3) Logos - What is the message itself. How logical is the wisdom you are presenting to them? Does it make sense? How persuasive is your message?

4) Kairos - Is it the right time and place to give them the message?

Taking a Closer Look at Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Kairos

Ethos - You must have some credibility or expertise. You must be good at demonstrating it

In addition you must be good at invoking Trust and Likability and Authority i.e. your readers must be able to trust you, they must be able to relate to you and like you, and they must feel you have some authority to teach them

Pathos - The audience must be in a mental and emotional state where they are willing to learn. You must find an audience for your book/wisdom that actually wants to receive it

Your message and your book must play to the audience's emotions and make them be ready to receive your wisdom. If you look at some of the best written literature it first puts people into a highly emotional state and only then shares the message or wisdom it contains

Logos - Your book and your message and your story must make logical sense. The message itself must be sound and bullet-proof
With Ethos you establish yourself as an expert and authority figure. You establish Trust and Credibility
With Pathos you put the audience in an emotional state where they are ready to get the best of your wisdom and knowledge
Logos is the actual Wisdom and actual Message. It must make logical sense. It must be backed up by some proof and actual figures and numbers

Kairos - This is about reaching your audience at the right time and place

In Simple English - What you need to do to share your Wisdom and Experiences with the World

In simple English

Ethos - Establish your expertise and credibility
Pathos - Make sure you reach readers when they are in a receptive emotional state OR write in a manner that puts them in a receptive state before you share your wisdom with them
Logos - Make sure your message makes sense. That it is logical. That you have facts and figures to back it up
Kairos - When possible (this is not always possible), reach your readers at a time and place where they are more likely to listen to your message

This might sound a bit complicated. However, it makes you very effective at sharing your wisdom. These things are common sense. Obviously, you can only share your wisdom with people who are willing to listen
That is what Pathos means - either put them into a state where they are willing to listen, or find people who are already in a state where they are receptive to wisdom and advice

Sharing your Wisdom and Experience is, in some ways, much tougher than just entertaining readers with a thrilling story or a romantic tearjerker. The most important determinant of your success would be finding readers who actually want to learn. That's where we would recommend devoting 80% of your energy and effort - finding where your readers are, the ones who actually want to learn from your wisdom and would value it

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