Review0 V1 Release (Beta). Click to Send Suggestions & Requests
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Review0 has 7 Core Commitments

1) We are Driving the Market to a Point where Honest Authors are Getting 80% or More of Money Paid by Readers

2) We are Driving the Market to a Point where Honest Service Providers are Getting 80% or More of Money Paid by Authors for Services

3) We are relentlessly making the Market for Books & EBooks more efficient, more honest, and a win-win-win for readers, authors, and service providers

4) We are relentlessly increasing value derived by everyone in the ecosystem by making processes smoother, faster, and more efficient

5) We are relentlessly helping both authors and service providers get more out of their time and their money

6) We are becoming the Search Engine & Decision Engine for Authors, and are helping Honest Authors find Honest Service Providers, and Honest Service Providers find Honest Authors

7) We are Creating a Platform that ensures a healthy vibrant ecosystem. A platform which only takes a 10% to 20% cut while allowing the CREATORS (on both sides) to get 80% or more of the money.

We're Building a Super Efficient Market where Creators & Service Providers can get 80% of the Money

1) We are helping the people who actually create value to get 80% or more of the money being spent

2) We are building a Platform that enables the ecosystem to become healthier, 100% honest and fair, and a Win-Win-Win for Readers, Authors, and Service Providers

3) We are helping Creators on both sides (Authors, Service Providers) to save their time and money and do everything more efficiently

4) We are helping Authors to focus on writing great books, and making money from them

5) We are helping Honest Service Providers reach authors easily and smoothly and provide value and get value in return

How Review0 Makes Money

1) We charge Service Providers 10% to 20% of their revenue from providing services to Authors. In most cases service providers already have affiliate programs that pay for customer referrals

2) We charge Service Providers a relatively small annual fee for annual registration which gives them a place on our Platform

3) We sell search ads that show up in search results and in list results

4) Nearly all service providers already have an affiliate program and already spend a lot to find customers. We are helping them do it more easily and more smoothly

5) The money saved by all sides (by improving processes, by eliminating people who are not honest, by saving people time) is worth a lot more than the small 10% to 20% cut we take

Reach 5 Million+ Readers. Books Butterfly (our sister company) can get your book in front of millions of readers

You can promote your book to 1.8 Million Twitter Readers, 2.8 Million App Readers, and 310,000 Email Subscribers with Books Butterfly

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