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Share Review0 with your friend Authors and with Fellow Authors via our 'Share Review0' page. There's a 'Share Review0' button at the top right of every page. Just press on that and then you can help your friends save time and money

Share Review0 with Service Providers that you already trust and work with. Leave Reviews for these Service Providers. If you know a Service Provider is good and honest then help other authors and help the Service Provider by sharing your experience

The more honest authors and honest Service Providers we attract to the Review0 Platform the more people we can help

Share Your Own Experiences on Review0

Review0 lets you share your positive experiences with Service Providers including reviews, results, and ratings. By doing this you route authors to honest service providers and help the good service providers grow bigger and help the ecosystem become more efficient and honest

Review the Service Providers you have used

1) Service Providers that are great - let other authors know so they too can worth with these service providers
2) Service Providers that are good - let your fellow authors know. Many of these good service providers will grow and become great service providers
3) Service Providers that aren't good - provide honest and objective feedback and allow them to become good service providers. You an also help other authors realize that these Service Providers come with certain caveats. Very Important: Please do not bring any negative energy and only give calm and objective reviews. We cannot and will not accept any reviews that are personal attacks or are grounds for legal action against you (by the service provider)
4) Do you feel a Service Provider was dishonest? For legal reasons we do not accept reviews that make legally hard-to-defend claims such as 'they stole my money' etc. You can report such service providers to us via our Contact Us page. If we see multiple reports we will talk to the Service Provider and if there is no clear explanation we will remove them from the platform

Very Important: We strive for a BALANCE between authors and service providers. 95% to 97% of the people on each side are honest. Our job is to connect these honest people with each other in a honest, efficient, smooth manner. We are not a 'revenge/retribution/vengeance' platform and we will not accept any reviews that are written with negative intentions or with negative energy

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Share a link to review0 ( with everyone you know. Authors, Service Providers, and eventually readers will benefit greatly as the Review0 platform grows and more and more efficiency and honesty spreads throughout the Ecosystem

Contribute & Help Review0 Evolve and Grow

Let us know your suggestions ( for what you think would help Review0 grow and evolve and become a better platform for authors and for service providers. We will consider every suggestion and idea and implement those which match our core commitments and are feasible

1) Send in New Categories, Sub Categories, Improvements, Suggestions, Ideas. Feedback is always welcome
2) Do you have improvement suggestions? We look forward to hearing them
3) Would something make it easier for you to use the site? Let us know
4) What would make you more likely to use the site?
5) What would make you write more reviews and help authors and service providers?

Send us Suggestions & Feedback at our Suggestions Page

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