Review0 V1 Release (Beta). Click to Send Suggestions & Requests
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Your Path isn't Listed & You Want to Enter What Your Path Is

Enter Your Path and Perhaps We Will Add It to Review0

If your path or desired outcome isn't listed, you can send us what Your Path Is

1) You can go to the Contact Us Page ( and contact us from there
2) You can email us at

Please be sure to include your contact email address, what your path is, and as much detail as possible

Perhaps We Will Respond

If there are multiple people asking about the Same Path, or if we find your Path particularly interesting, then we will respond

We might even add it to the Paths page on Review0 and add a detailed section with advice for this Path (your path)

Even if we are not able to respond, we will definitely read your email and start thinking about it. And when we update this section of Review0, we will add the Paths that are most asked for, and/or are the most interesting

Figuring out What the Best Way is For You

You can go through and read the various sections of Review0 and form some ideas and a basic strategy of what you should do, regardless of whether or not your path is included

In particular, we strongly recommend reading

1) Starting Guide for Service Providers -

2) Benefits for Service Providers -

3) How it Works for Service Providers -

4) The Path for 'I Want to be a Full Time service Provider and Make a Good Living' -

5) The Path for 'I Want a Reliable Supply of Trustable Author Clients' -

These 5 pages are a really good start

Reach 5 Million+ Readers. Books Butterfly (our sister company) can get your book in front of millions of readers

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