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You Want to See if You Can Fool a Ton of Authors into paying you Money for Things of Little Value

How You Can Fool Authors into Paying you for Worthless Services and Products

While we do not recommend doing this (for reasons outlined in the next section) here is how you can Bernie Madoff your way to (possibly) easy money

1) Play to Authors' Desire to Succeed without working Hard - Most Get Rich Quick courses for Authors play on this
Promising authors results in weeks, which normally take years, is one way
Promising authors stability and a stable income, while they lead a 'Cabo and Cocomo' lifestyle, is another
Promising huge riches is another promise that reels in a lot of authors

2) Claim to have mastery of a system which is very hard to master
A course that has 'unlocked' Facebook Ads
Tricks to master the Kindle Store algorithms
Marketing course to easily build an author's email list
Marketing Secrets to 'dominate' Amazon Marketing Services
Pretty much any system that is bidding based, or algorithmic, and thus impossible to actually master or control. Write a course claiming you have found the Secrets to Master a hard to master area or skill

3) Napoleon had said there are two keys to men - interest and fear. Pretty much any method you use (if you are aiming to trick authors) must use one of these two levers

While making a fool of your 'clients' works out in a small minority of cases, we strongly recommend not going with this approach for the following reasons

Why it's Pointless to Fool Authors into Paying you for Worthless Services and Products

There are a few very good reasons you should avoid trickery of this sort

1) It's a very crowded market
There are a surprisingly large number of people trying to bilk authors of their money

2) There are some people with much better credentials and experience than you could ever hope to have
Some of the people running these schemes that separate authors from their money have very strong credentials and experience. Ones that would be hard for any newcomers to match

3) Authors have become quite wary, so the market opportunity has drastically reduced
Long gone are the days when authors were blindly buying every product or service that offered magical results. Now, authors are very wary

4) The time and effort it would take to make a good product to trick authors, is in some cases enough to make an actual good product that is win-win
Crazy as it sounds, the amount of effort you would put into making videos and writing books and detailing your Get Rich Quick or Master the Algorithm course, you could instead create something actually valuable in that much time

5) It's not a sustainable business
As opposed to an actual product, where your customer base keep growing, with a useless product or service, you don't have any repeat customers. You have to constantly be 'on the hustle' for new sheep to fleece

6) Most of the market is already saturated - almost impossible to come up with something new
Every possible type of Snake Oil and every conceivable Get Rich Quick scheme for Authors is already available. It's really hard to create a new niche

7) There's not very much work satisfaction in creating useless products
It's entirely possible you're not the sort of person who is looking for high job satisfaction. However, if you care about enjoying your job, there is close to zero job satisfaction in making useless products and services that don't really do anything

Fundamentally, there are 10 times more people trying to trick authors and publishers, than actually help them. So, paradoxically, you would have a super easy path to making money if you actually build a product or service that actually works. You would have much less competition and a much more sustainable business

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