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You're An Author who has branched into providing Services to Fellow Authors. You Want to Establish Your Reputation and Your Company

Building a Brand and a Company when you're an Author providing Services to Other Authors

Half the battle is won if you're an author. Authors believe that other Authors are Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice

Offer an author a choice between
A) A cover designer with 27 years experience of making covers
B) An author who started designing covers 2 years ago
90% of the time the author will choose the other author

We are not joking. Authors automatically ascribe many good qualities to other authors. To the point that if you're an Author providing services to other Authors, half your battle is already won

If you're as good as your competitor, or even a bit behind, you can just flash your 'I'm an Author' badge and win every time

Here are some things to keep in mind if you're an Author and starting on selling services to other Authors

1) Brand as much as possible

2) Make it crystal clear, and throw in some subtle reminders, that you're an author and know Exactly what authors have to go through

3) Half of Your Brand will be 'Author' and the other half will be whatever you choose it to be
It's critical to include some experiences and lessons from your journey as an Author, to further strengthen your Brand

4) If possible, provide a service or product that addresses what your own biggest pain point is (as an author)

5) Authors will want to buy more than one service from you. If you can provide multiple services, then do so

6) While it is fine that your customers think Authors are special, you must not start blindly thinking all authors are amazing
Authors are human beings, just like everyone else
Now that you're a service provider, you must avoid problem customers and you must focus on Great Customers. Under no circumstances should you be thinking all authors are similar and that all will make great customers

7) Get as up to date on technology as possible
You will have to compete with a lot of tech savvy people. If you can't get caught up on technology you don't stand a chance. Make sure you are up to date on the technology aspects of the service you provide

8) While being an author will get you a free pass with Author Clients, the other rules still apply
Rules of Finance and Profit and Loss don't change because you're an author
Competition and Strategy

9) Be very wary of what you say and do - you must be 'an author' even when doing your business dealings. If you're using 'I'm an Author' as a branding and sales tool, you cannot be saying things from the 'I'm a Service Provider' perspective. It breaks the whole 'Just a friendly author selling services to fellow authors' narrative

Being an author gives you an unmatchable edge. All things being equal (even not quite equal) authors will always choose you. So make sure you have a great product and you're almost untouchable

The biggest danger is the technology aspect. You absolutely have to master the technological aspect of the services you sell

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