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Your Aim is To Sell Services & Make a Good Amount of Money

If You Want to Sell Services to Authors and Publishers and Make a Good Amount of Money

There is definitely a lot of money in the ecosystem for anyone who can provide a high quality and reliable service. Here are some very important things to keep in mind

1) Be very selective and picky in who you work with
This is not like other markets. The people in the ecosystem are being troubled by monopolies and are on edge. They can't direct their anger at the monopolies because they fear them. Be very selective who you work with

2) Provide a very high quality service
It's tempting to say - nearly everyone cuts corners, no one will notice. However, providing a high quality service will make you really stand out in this chaotic and unpolished ecosystem

3) Avoid the low end of the market
We cannot stress this enough - absolutely avoid the low end of the market. It's incredibly murky

4) Don't ever work on a percentage of sales model. Don't ever work on a profit share or revenue share model
Most books never sell. Unless it's Stephen King or Dean Koontz do not sign up for making a cover for 5% of sales, or doing editing for 10% of sales

5) Avoid 'trials' and 'tests'. Avoid working for free in the hope of paid work later
Never ever ever do it

6) When you run into 'problem' customers, do not give in to excessive demands
If you do, be prepared for their friends to show up and make the exact same demands. Weak hands get killed/overwhelmed in this market

7) Do not pay any heed whatsoever to people not buying your products
Your ideal customers are customers who buy your products and services As They Are
Not Ideal and still acceptable are customers who want slight changes
Completely avoid 'future' customers who ask for lots of changes (usually ones that benefit them and hurt you)

8) Selling cheap services to the low end of the market is pointless. There is lots of competition and very little money. Things are very difficult at the low end

9) The Medium Part of the Market is very good

10) The Premium Part of the Market is excellent
Depending on what product or service you offer there might not be a large enough 'premium part' and you might have to sell to both the Mid Market and the Premium Market

11) Absolutely do not sell any product or service where 'results' are determined by someone other than yourself
If you need data from Company X, they will cut you off or replicate your product
If you leave it to the customer to decide 'results', you will consistently have a set of customers who will backwards rationalize some end scenario that benefits only them
If you have Company Y counting 'results' they will manipulate results and/or jump into the market themselves
Your only Future is having 100% Control of Your Destiny i.e. selling products where from beginning to end you control and own everything

The 'Making a Good Amount of Money' Aspect

Here are some general things to keep in mind, pertaining to making a good amount of money from selling services to Authors and Publishers

1) Focus on Customers of Good Intent
1b) Customers who are OK with a win-win scenario, where both parties get benefits
1c) All other customers do not matter

2) It's much better to be #2 or #3 in the Premium End of the Market than to be #1 in the Low End of the Market
Of course, it's best if you can be #1 in the Premium End of the Market

3) You cannot be losing money per customer, and somehow make up for it 'on volume', or 'with future services'
You must be making profit per customer

4) Fire your worst customers
They will usually make up 80% of your support costs and 90% of your headaches
You will be a lot more productive if you focus on the Best Customers and just fire the Worst Customers you have

5) Be profitable right from the start
It's very tempting to think - we will focus on profits after we've hit X thousand customers or X million customers. Instead, focus on being profitable right from the start

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