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You Want to Get Rich Quick

Unfortunately, there is no Get Rich Quick in This Market

In general, there is absolutely no market where you can get rich quick

Irrational Markets like Bitcoin and Tulips, where people get rich quick, are very risky. A lot more people Get Poor Quick than Get Rich Quick
Providing Services to Authors and Publishers is not an irrational market, just an unorganized one. No one is going to Get Rich Quick
People will Get Rich Slow and this page will discuss things to keep in mind if you want to Get Rich Slow too

Let's look at why it's almost impossible to 'Get Rich Quick' while providing services to Authors and Publishers

1) The Publishers and Authors that have money are usually very experienced and wary. They are not going to jump in without doing their due diligence
If you plan on 'tricking' people and getting rich quick, the ones that have money are not easy to fool
If you plan on providing great services and getting rich quick, the people with money are slow to move to new services and spend a lot of time on due diligence. Which makes 'fast' success rather hard

2) Most services you can provide to Authors and Publishers take considerable time and energy
It's difficult to scale up things like Editing, designing covers, and proofreading
Even many technical services like email lists, software services, and hosting websites, are hard and expensive to scale

3) There is no easy way to reach a lot of Authors and Publishers quickly. As the ecosystem is very disorganized, even a really good service can take 2 to 4 years to get traction
To complicate matters, that 2 to 4 years for your service to get traction and momentum, is more than enough time for competitors and imitators to jump in

4) Large companies in the ecosystem are petty minded and don't want anyone else making money
You find a vein of gold and are all set to become successful. They will do everything they can to prevent you from mining it

5) The market makers (people who control the market, or at least are trying to) do a lot of Divide and Conquer. If they see you taking off, they will start helping your competitors. Their fear is that one company becomes very large and trusted and wrests control of the ecosystem from them
All sorts of roadblocks will appear in your path. Meanwhile, even a distant 2nd competitor you have will suddenly start getting all sorts of boosts and secret benefits

How to Get Rich Slow

Let's look at the key things to focus on to Get Rich Slow while providing Services to Authors and Publishers

1) Focus only on Customers of Good Intent. A huge part of succeeding will be avoiding Customers of Bad Intent

2) Focus on providing great value and also getting good to great value back
If you focus too much on extracting value without giving value back you will lose your customers
If you focus too much on giving value without having a clear and easy path to get value back (i.e. charge money for your services) you will end up with Customers of Bad Intent who don't want to pay

3) Make sure your product is of the highest quality. Make sure it's #1 or #2 in quality in the market. #3 and below dies out

4) Be very selective who you work with

5) It is easier to sell services and additional services to existing customers than to find new customers. Find ways to provide more value to your existing customers

6) When working with large companies, remember - they are just looking for a way to kill you and take over your revenue stream
When working with authors and publishers, remember - the less effort they have put into their books, the more pain they will give you

7) Don't spend too much on marketing. Use a quality product, virality, word of mouth. If you're spending more than 10% of revenues on marketing then you will not last in this market

8) The market is in a bit of chaos. No body knows who will end up controlling it, or whether it will end up being a very free and uncontrolled market
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Don't sign up for partnerships that might sink you

9) There is a very big difference between the amount of profits you can make in different areas - focus only on areas that can make you good profits
There are areas that seem tempting and yet generate nothing in profits. Do not go for 'easy areas' as they are traps
There are areas that might not seem big areas and yet generate HUGE profits. Focus on finding these
Above all else, Authors and Publishers pay for access to readers and they pay for convenience (i.e. anything that makes their life easier)

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