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You Want to be a Full Time Service Provider and Make a Very Good Living

Critical Things to Do If You Want to Be a Full Time Service Provider and a Make a Very Good Living

To Make a Very Good Living as a Service Provider you have to excel at one or more of these 4 Aspects
1) Product Market Fit i.e. finding a market where there is very big demand for a particular product (which you can provide/supply)
2) Marketing and Sales
3) Quality i.e. a really high quality product
4) Direct Channels to Customers you own and control 100% i.e. you can reach your customers any time you want and for free (or for very cheap)

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You Have to be World Class in At Least One Area

You have to be World Class in at least one of - finding a market with very high demand; selling; quality; building direct channels to customers

If you can become world class in one of these areas (Top 100 in the World) while also being very good in the other areas, then you will definitely make a very good living

Critical Things to Keep in Mind

1) Before you start making money the most important is Product Market Fit - finding a market with high demand, and little competition

2) After you start making money the most important is Direct Channels to Your Customers. Find a way to contact them that no one can mess with

3) The best defence against competitors is Quality. If you have First Mover Advantage i.e. it's a market your created yourself, then keep improving. Your competitors will never be able to catch up

4) Avoid competing on price. Competing on Price can buy you market share, not profits or financial stability

5) Move as much as possible to the Premium End of the Market and the Mid to Premium End. Those are the two parts of the market you should focus on - that is where nearly all the profit lies

6) Improve Your Customer Retention as much as possible

7) Keep increasing how much value you provide to your customers. If you can sell them additional products and increase the revenue per customer, even better

8) Focus on Customer Acquisition methods that cost very little or are free. Things like referral systems, virality, growth hacking, inbound marketing, word of mouth, etc. are far superior to expensive marketing methods like Pay Per Click

9) A very powerful method to increase your customer base is to set up an Affiliate program

Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is that the Publishing and Authors and Books ecosystem is absolutely massive. If you focus on the 4 key aspects (Product Market Fit, Sales, Quality, Direct Channels to Customers) you will create a very strong business and do very well - just make sure you deliver great value (while ensuring you get good value in return)

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