If your primary aim on Review0 is to build a brand, please read this page very carefully
1) We are happy to help you reach Authors and Publishers and build a brand. We expect you to show common courtey to them and to us (Review0)
2) We expect 100% honesty and integrity in all your dealings with Review0 members, and with anyone who visits your website via Review0. Any violations will lead to a lifetime ban
3) Please keep it win-win for all parties involved
Here are a few additional important things to keep in mind
1) You must follow all Review0 rules at all times
Absolutely no 'gaming the system' of any type is allowed
If you are not sure whether something is ethical, do not do it
2) We do not allow selling of services on the Review0 Platform for unsustainable prices
You have to charge a reasonable, sustainable rate
You cannot give away services for free. That hurts other service providers in the ecosystem
3) Reviews are only accepted from people who actually paid for the service
There is absolutely no 'free service in return for a review' option
People who have not used the service should not be adding a review
Absolutely no reviews from friends or family
4) Small violations will lead to a 3 or 6 month ban. Serious violations will lead to a lifetime ban
5) Please feel free to report if some Review0 member is harassing or troubling you, or trying to take advantage of you. In moderate cases we will warn the member. In severe cases we will ban the member from the Review0 Platform
Same applies if some Review0 Service Provider is using illegal means to compete against you. Proof of such action will lead to a lifetime ban for that Service Provider
Tips and Guidelines on Building a Strong Brand via Review0
1) The Absolute Most Important thing is to only work with Authors and Publishers that are a good fit for you
2) Avoid authors and publishers who are just starting off. Newcomers to the Books and Publishing system often have very unrealistic expectations
3) ALWAYS do a search on an author or a publisher before working with them. Be sure to avoid those who are high maintenance
4) Set expectations very clearly. Have very clear terms. Have a very clear explanation of what your service is, and what it isn't
Be sure to email this to the author or publisher. They tend to not read what is in your website and on your invoice
5) Always ask good customers for a review
Whenever someone writes in good things, ask them for a review on Review0, and save their email as a Testimonial
If you have loyal repeat customers, be sure to ask them to write Reviews for your service at Review0
6) Treat it as a marathon. If you try to rush things you risk running out of time or energy or good will
7) Authors and Publishers tend to make up things in their mind and not tell you until you are already engaged with them. Therefore, it is critical to get them your terms of service, details on what service they are buying, and what they should expect BEFORE you start working with them
Example: If you do not clearly say - I will do up to 3 revisions of your cover design
There will be a section of authors who will expect - Unlimited revisions until they are happy
8) If you see red flags, step away. If you see even one warning sign - just step away
How You Can Leverage a Strong Brand to Sell Value Add Services
We don't know very much about this so you need to find someone who is an expert
What we have noticed is
1) You have to build your brand with the Exact customers who you later want to sell Value Add Services to
This might seem exceedingly obvious - Build Your Brand with the Exact customers you later want to Sell Additional Services To
Make sure you Build Your Brand and Your Reputation selling the Services you later want to sell, or something similar
2) The best service providers are exceedingly selective about who they work with
There is no amount of money that is worth working with some of the people in this ecosystem. Always search the name of the customer to see if they fall into this category
3) You have to have expertise in the services you are selling
It's fine if it's a narrow niche. As long as you are an absolute expert
Avoid becoming a snake oil salesman by selling things you know very little about
There's a lot of money in the ecosystem for people who sell good, solid services and products. Don't get greedy and don't get impatient and you will find a lot of success and money