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Starting Guide for Service Providers - A Full Introduction to How Service Providers can Get the Most Out of Review0

Starting Guide for Service Providers - Overview

This Starting Guide for Service Providers is divided into the following sections -
  1. What is Review0 for Service Providers
  2. How to Benefit from Review0, the Search Engine
  3. How to Benefit from Review0, the Decision Engine
  4. How to Sign Up for Review0
  5. Who Can Add Reviews and Results and Ratings to Review0
  6. How to Request Reviews and Results and Ratings from Customers
  7. How to Get the Special Data Intelligence and Business Intelligence Membership Levels
  8. How to Give Feedback to Review0
  9. How to Be Successful As A Service Provider
We recommend reading through all 9 sections. They can be read in any order

What is Review0 for Service Providers?

For authors, Review0 is a Search Engine and Decision Engine that helps them find good, trustable service providers who are the best at what they do

For you, a service provider, Review0 is a great Customer Acquisition Engine which can help you find a strong, loyal clientele

To Benefit from Review0, it is best to focus primarily on Review0 as a Customer Acquisition Engine

How to Benefit from Review0, the Search Engine

Review0 is a Search Engine for Authors where they search for service providers. To benefit from this aspect of Review0
  1. Get Approved and get added to Review0. Authors can only find you if you're listed
  2. Ensure you are absolutely clear about what services you provide, what your target customers are, what budget range you are in, what book genres you cover, and related details
  3. Be absolutely clear about who your target customers are, specify that on your Review0 page, and write your descriptions and pages for them i.e. use the language that they will use when searching for services and products
  4. Make sure to add as much detail about yourself as possible. It's a search engine and the more relevant keywords and phrases you include, the higher the chance you will show up in searches
  5. Make sure you include your 'service provider type' in your title. Mike Jones Services is a terrible name. Mike Jones Cover Designer and Graphic Designer is a good name. Even if you have a well established brand be sure to include your category type. Audiobook Buzz might be great for branding. However, Audiobook Buzz Audiobook Store and Services is what will show up in searches for 'audiobook stores'
If you have a laser focus on your ideal set of customers. If you build your Review0 page around them and their needs. If you write your Review0 page using the keywords and language that they use. Review0 will work splendidly for you

To show up high on the Review0 Search Engine results you need to
  1. Be very clear about what services you provide and use the keywords that your customers will use when searching for your services
  2. Be very focused i.e. choose your service provider category, your service provider name, and description to match exactly the services you provide
  3. Get good reviews at Review0. Ask your most loyal and happiest customers to write reviews for you. Please Note: It is not allowed to offer incentives or cash to Authors in return for reviews
It's very similar to Search Engine Optimization. Please do not try and game the system. Any Black Hat techniques such as keyword stuffing will lead to a ban

How to Benefit from Review0, the Decision Engine

Review0 is also a Decision Engine. Authors will use the information and reviews on Review0 to decide who to work with. A Decision Engine runs on trust and good quality information

The Search Engine part of Review0 requires you to use the right keywords, focus on the right category and services, and do Search Engine optimization

The Decision Engine part of Review0 requires you to do Human Being Optimization - Share your story so that authors/clients can relate to who you are. Provide details and clarity on your services so customers can better understand what services you provide. Show them why they can trust you. Show them testimonials from existing customers

You have to tell a good, compelling story about who you are and what services you provide. You have to clearly specify which customers/clients/Authors you would be a good fit for

To Benefit from the Decision Engine aspect of Review0
  1. Make your Review0 page and your description and details very human friendly
  2. Tell a very good story about who you are, your history, what services your provide, and who you provide these services to
  3. Be very upfront and make sure you link to your prices page, your privacy policy, your refund policy, and your terms and conditions. Please Note: Review0 will, in general, not approve any service provider that does not list the pricing of their products and services
  4. Clearly specify who your targets customers are, and write the page for them, and in language they understand
  5. Get Reviews from existing customers to show you have people willing to vouch for you
  6. Provide information to show you are a real person and that your company is a legitimate company
  7. Focus on human factors like Trust, Approachability, Relatability, Social Proof, Pre Selection, and Likability
Use concise language and provide lots of details. If customers are on your Review0 page they are in the pre sales stage. They are already looking to buy. Don't try to sell them and don't do a hard sell or a hard push. They are already looking to buy. Provide them with lots of information on who you are, your story, your history, services you provide, quality, and why they can trust you

Next, let's look at how you can get approved for Review0

How to Sign Up for Review0

To Sign up as a Service Provider at Review0, please follow these steps
  1. Go to the Service Provider Sign Up Page at
  2. There is a Service Provider Category dropdown at the top of the page - select what category you fit into. Example: If you're a Cover Designer then select Cover Designer category
  3. If you're the Site Owner then leave the 'Are You the Site Owner/Service Provider' row as 'Yes'. If not, then select 'No'
  4. In the 'Proof of Owning Site or Service' text box please enter proof that you own the service and relevant details of your company
  5. In the 'Contact Phone Number or Email' text box please enter your phone number and email address. Enter at least one, though entering both is ideal
  6. In the row for 'Are Services Provided for All Book Genres' select Yes or No. If selecting 'No' then select 3 genres
  7. For the 'Which Part of the Market does this Service Provider Focus on?' select the pricing/budget range you target. Your options are - Free, Cheap, Medium Priced, Medium to High Priced, Premium, Ultra Premium. If you are freemium then pick the budget range that paying customers pay (please do not select free unless service is 100% free)
  8. For the 'What Types of Authors does this Service Provider focus on?' please either select All or select 'Specific Authors'. If choosing Specific Authors, then please enter as much detail as possible and be specific
After these high level options you will have to enter in your Service Provider Information. The more detail and accuracy, the higher the chance you get approved for Review0. The fields are all optional - please fill as many as you can
  1. Name of Service - Please enter the name you would like to use on Review0. It's critical that you use your branded name/the name your customers know you as
  2. Website Address - your website url address
  3. Contact Phone Number - number customers (and Review0) can reach you at. If you do not provide phone support to customers, then leave this blank. However, be sure to enter your phone number or email at the top of the page so we can reach you
  4. Contact Email Address - email customers (and Review0) can reach you at
  5. Key Details of Service - Please provide the key details of your service, the benefits, the costs, and as much information as possible. Please do not include any marketing or testimonials in this section
  6. Testimonials Page - a link to the testimonials section of your website
  7. Reviews Page - a link to the reviews section of your website
  8. Results Page - a link to a page that shows results Authors have gotten from using your servicePricing & Costs Page - a link to the page that shows prices and costs. Important: If you have no pricing page then we will not accept you into Review0. Prices must be shown upfront without customers having to email you or submit their information
  9. References - a list of references if you have references
  10. Size of Customer Base - number of customers you currently have, either total, or recurring
  11. Website Traffic or Traffic - number of customers/clients/people who visit your website and apps or email lists every day (or every month)
  12. Press Mentions - If you have a Press Page or a Media Relations page
  13. Credibility & Trust - Any details that help customers (and Review0) verify that you are a credible and trustable service provider. This can include industry awards, proof of a large customer base, proof of a low dispute rate, bank account statement showing good financial standing, etc
After entering your Service and Site details you will have to agree to the 'Service Provider & Review0 Business Arrangement'. This agreement consists of two parts
  1. You agree to pay Review0 10% of every sale OR your standard Affiliate Referral fee (whichever is higher) for every sale referred from Review0
  2. You agree to pay an Annual Verification & Listing Fee to Review0. When you sign up, and once a year after that, we verify you are a real person, your business is a real business, and everything is legitimate and on board. If you get accepted to Review0 then this is a non-refundable fee. If you are not accepted we will refund this fee. The Verification allows you membership of Review0 for one year. There are no month to month charges - just the annual Verification and Listing Fee
You have to agree to both these provisions to sign up for Review0

Please also note that by signing up for Review0 paid membership, you agree to the Review0 Terms of Service and Refund Policy. You can scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the 'Terms' and 'Refund Policy' links to see the terms of service and the refund policy

After this you select your company size. Your company size determines what annual verification and listing fee you have to pay
  1. Indie Service Provider (Less than $100,000 a year revenues) - Your Annual Verification and Listing Fee is $100 per Year
  2. Small Business ($100,000 to $1 Million a year revenues) - Your Annual Verification and Listing Fee is $300 per Year
  3. Medium Business ($1.1 Million to $10 Million a year revenues) - Your Annual Verification and Listing Fee is $800 per Year
  4. Large Business ($11 Million to $100 Million a year revenues) - Your Annual Verification and Listing Fee is $1,700 per Year
  5. Enterprise (Over $101 Million a year revenues) - Your Annual Verification and Listing Fee is $3,300 per Year
Please select your company size and then press the 'Sign Up for Review0' button

Pressing the 'Sign Up for Review0' button will bring you to the payment page. The payment page is hosted and handled by our payment processor and your credit card information is completely secure. We do not at any point of time have access to it and we don't store it. It's completely handled by our payment processor
  1. Enter your email address. This is to ensure we have the right contact information
  2. Enter your Credit Card or Debit Card number
  3. Enter the month and date of expiry
  4. Enter the 3 digit security code from the back of your Card
  5. Press the 'Pay Now' button
After payment you will be taken to a Payment Confirmation page

We will email you a payment confirmation email within a day or two. We will look at your application and make a decision within 1 to 3 weeks. If your email and phone number don't work, or don't get a response, it will delay your application. So please be sure to verify you have given us the right information, and please respond promptly to any email or phone call you get from us

Who Can Add Reviews and Results and Ratings to Review0

Only Verified Authors can add Reviews and Results to Review0. While any Author can sign up for Review0 and become a member, only Verified and Approved Authors can write a Review. The criteria for an Author to get verified and approved are
  1. Author is a real person
  2. Author is actually an author (or working towards being an author)
  3. 100% Integrity and Honesty towards Service Providers
  4. Good Intent i.e. Authors who are willing to create win-win relationships with Service Providers
  5. Common Courtesy to Service Providers
  6. Absolutely no attacks against service providers in general and service providers on Review0 in particular. Authors who make threats or do attacks will either not be allowed into Review0 or be kicked out. Please feel free to let us know if some author starts a witch hunt against you
  7. Reasonable Expectations - We will either not approve, or kick out, authors who try to make Service Providers work for free or very cheap unsustainable prices
  8. Author Agrees to Review0 Terms
We focus on the 95% to 98% of authors that are great to work with, and try to keep out (to the greatest extent possible) the 2% to 5% who make everyone miserable

In addition to the above safeguards, there are also checks when approving the actual reviews (every review is verified by a real person)

Approval Criteria for Reviews

  1. Review must explain the pros and cons of using a service provider
  2. Review must add value to the ecosystem i.e. provide some good information on the service provider
  3. Review must be based on actual experience. Absolutely no reviews based on someone else's experience of the product
  4. Review must not be a personal attack. There must not be any defamation or discrimination or racism
  5. Review must be balanced and fair
  6. Not part of a coordinated attack on a service provider
  7. Not part of a coordinated attempt to get a lot of positive reviews for a service provider
  8. Review must not be legally contentious. We will reject any review that is liable to get you into legal trouble
Thanks to this double verification (of author; and of review) you can be reassured, as a service provider, that reviews are legitimate and a reflection of your actual products and services

How to Request Reviews and Results and Ratings from Customers

Here are some best practices for how to request reviews and ratings from your Customers
  1. First of all, ask your best and most loyal customers for Reviews
  2. If you are a paying customer then it is better to ask them to leave the review at Review0. While reviews are the property of Review0, we give you a non-exclusive license to use the reviews on your website if you are a paying customer
  3. If you are a curated selection, and not a paying customer of Review0, then it is better to ask them to leave a review both at Review0 and at your website (or to you via email)
  4. Do not send blanket emails asking for reviews. It is OK and perhaps good to ask every customer for feedback TO YOU. However, do not ask for reviews at Review0 (or anywhere else) unless you know it's a happy customer (or there is a very high chance)
  5. Every customer who writes in good things, request them for a review at Review0, and also add their email to your 'Testimonials' Folder, and their email address to your 'Best Customers' list. Email this 'Best Customers' list FIRST when you have special offers. They will appreciate getting offers and deals first
  6. Please do not offer any incentives for writing reviews. Any reviews written in return for cash or free services or incentives will be rejected and will get you banned from Review0
  7. Please do not ask anyone to write fake reviews for your service. This will get you a lifetime ban
  8. Ask customers at the point of Maximum Happiness. If you know that your customers are generally happiest between Day 10 and Day 15 of using your service, ask them then
  9. Ask customers at a point AFTER the unhappy customers have left. If you know that most unhappy customers quit within the first 5 days, then make sure to ask for reviews only after Day 6
By following the above best practices, and applying common sense, you can get the most out of Review0

How to Get the Special Data Intelligence and Business Intelligence Membership Levels

Very soon (by end 2019, or early 2020) we will be adding two special membership levels to Review0
  1. Data Intelligence Membership Level - Sign up for this level to get special insights into what customers in your area are searching for, what new trends are, and where the newest opportunities are
  2. Business Intelligence Membership Level - Sign up for this level to get business insights, special insights on strategies, and custom tips that will help your business be more successful
You can sign up for the Wait List by emailing with Subject: Wait List or by emailing us from our Contact Us page -

These two special membership levels for service providers are being added and will be available by end 2011 to early 2020. These will give you great insight into how to be more successful as a business, and how to better respond to market trends

How to Give Feedback to Review0

Please contact us via the Contact Us page -

Please be sure to indicate that you are a Service Provider

How to Be Successful As A Service Provider

Over time we will be sharing various insights that will increase your chances of being successful as a service provider. We cannot make you a success - only you yourself can make yourself a success. All we can do is provide some guidelines and tips to increase your probability of success by a little bit (around a flat 10%)

For now, our top 9 lessons and insights would be
  1. Don't let anyone else have control over your destiny (see Jack Welch's point below). This is particularly true online with evil vicious monopolies that want you to give them 80% to 90% of everything you earn
  2. Always have direct channel to customers. Build up an email list of your best customers and keep that direct channel to them
  3. 10% of what you earn is yours to keep. Read Richest Man in Babylon if you can
  4. You can get whatever you desire, if you can give enough other people what they desire. Read Zig Ziglar's books on Sales
  5. Pareto Principle - 80% of Results flow from 20% of the Efforts. 80% of Revenue flows from 20% of Customers. Identify this 20% and focus on it
  6. Fire your Bad Customers. This is critically important in Publishing and eBooks because certain monopolies are terrorizing authors and a small percentage take out their frustration on their allies in the ecosystem. Fire your Bad Customers at the first sign that they are Bad Customers
  7. A Customer is not a Customer if they are not making you a profit. You will find that there is a percentage of your customers that is costing you a lot more than they are making you
  8. Keep improving your value proposition for your Good Customers
  9. There is nothing quite as powerful as recurring revenue (well, except compound interest)
  10. It is easier to sell more services and products to your existing customers, than to find new customers
Also keep in mind Jack Welch's golden gems -
  1. Control Your Destiny, or someone else will
  2. See Reality As It Is, not as it was, or as you want it to be
  3. Change before you Have To
  4. Lead, don't manage
  5. If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete
  6. Be Candid With Everyone
We wish you a happy and successful journey as a Service Provider

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